2020 Northwest Natural Expo
Melanin Magic "Steps to Taking Control of your Wellness"
Public Speaking
I am available for the following topics via multiple platforms:
Special Movement Events
Topics include:
Being Black, Being a Woman, Being Well
Be Well: The How To’s
Creating a Wellness Regiment that Works For You
Increasing Your Wellness; Decreasing Your Stress
Taking Control of Your Wellness
Using Movement to Improve You
Press Features (Speaking Engagements, Articles and Blogs)
"Quarantine Fitness Regimen" Sisters Overcoming and Rising SOAR with Dr. Stephanie Brown
"Control Your Narrative" WIFA Waves Episode 10 with Lindsay and Morgan
WIFA (Women in Fitness Association): January 2020 Panel, “Seeing Clear in the New Year”
​"Putting Your Wellness First" Haven Tribe Podcast Episode 2 with Olympia Edwards
"Defining Equality for Black Fitness Professionals" with Staci Alden's YouTube Channel
"Using Music as a Tool in Group" with Staci Alden's YouTube Channel ​
"The Art of Layering Exercises" with Staci Alden's YouTube Channel
​"Steps to Taking Control of Your Wellness" with Northwest Natural Virtual Experience Expo 2020
Discovery Strength Panel: Racial Inequality in the Fitness Industry”